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Creating Kami Assignments in Canvas
Creating Kami Assignments in Canvas

Steps on how to push out assignments using the Canvas LTI Integration

Updated over 2 months ago

To create Kami assignments in Canvas, you'll need to install or have Kami in Canvas. Head over to this article to learn the two ways to do this.

How to create a Kami assignment in Canvas

1. Creating your Kami Assignment

There are two ways to start the assignment creation.

From the Assignments section

Go to one of your Courses, and under the Assignments page, click the +Assignment button. This will open up a new Canvas Assignment.

You can then go to the next step, setting up the Kami assignment.

From the Modules section

Modules are available in your Courses. Once you're in a course, you can find Modules on the left (1). If you already have a Module created (2), you can add a Kami assignment by selecting the + (3) on the right side of the module.

Once you select the + button, you'll be prompted to add a file. Make sure the Assignment option is selected from the drop-down selection.

This should create a blank unpublished assignment. Click on the assignment from here.

Select the Edit button to continue setting up your Kami assignment and follow the next step.

2. Setting up the Kami Assignment

✏️ Setting up a Kami assignment is quick and easy with the Kami Extension installed . Simply ensure the extension is installed on your browser, and you'll see the Kami Assignment option in the Submission Type section. Selecting this option will automatically launch the Kami external tool, streamlining the process for you.

Once you've opened a new Canvas Assignment, fill in all the usual fields and scroll down until you see the Submission type section. Set the submission type from Online to External Tool.

After the submission type is switched, you'll see a Find button that will let you add a Kami Assignment to Canvas.

2. Select material to assign

Now, you should see the Kami assignment window, where you can create an assignment by selecting a file from Google Drive or OneDrive. You also have the option to use one of our Kami Library resources or upload a file from your computer or device.

At the bottom of this window, we've added some features to help students and to allow the teacher more customization when creating an assignment:

Assessment Mode

Picking this option will allow you to set a Due Date for the assignment and restrict the student's access after they Submit it. You can restore their access by Returning the graded file.

✏️ Choosing a due date will automatically submit all assignments to the teacher once time's up.

Enable Real-time Monitoring

This option allows you to view your students' work before they submit their Assignments. To view them, the students must open the document first; otherwise, a submission can't be created.

✏️ Once they submit their work, you'll see two submissions in the Canvas grading viewer from the students. The second submission is the students' real submission. Kami makes the initial submission to enable you to view the students' work immediately and in real time.

Control Features

Picking this option lets you select or unselect tools you'd like your students to have in their toolbox for that specific assignment. You can learn more about Control Features in this article.

3. Assign your Kami Assignment

Once you click the Continue button, you will be brought back to the Configure external tool pop-up. Pressing the Select button will attach the Kami Assignment to Canvas and close the pop-up. You can go back and tweak any other Canvas settings you want for this particular assignment. When you're done, click the Save & Publish button to immediately push out the Assignment to your students.

And... You're all done! Your students should now have access and can start working on their assignments by following this article.

NOTE: To create a Kami assignment in Canvas AND use a Canvas Rubric
1. Create an assignment with the submission type "Online." Click save.
2. This brings you to the screen where you can add a rubric. Click "+Rubric" to find an existing rubric or create a new one. Scroll down and choose "Use this rubric."
3. Click "Edit" the assignment and change it to the "External Tool" submission type. Then, pick the "Kami Assignment" option, choose your file, and select the above-listed options before you save and publish.

If you need further assistance, please contact us at or book some training with one of our Teacher Success Champions here:

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