What is the Kami extension?
The Kami extension enhances your Kami experience by providing extra features and makes it easier for you to load your files into Kami. It also acts as a shortcut to open the Kami app in one click and enables some of our LMS integrations.
Adding the Kami extension
Head to Kami's Microsoft Edge Add-ons page and click the Get button.
Pinning the Kami extension
Now that your extension is installed, don’t forget to pin it for quicker access!
To pin your Kami extension, click the Extensions button that looks like a puzzle piece in Edge, and click the Eye button next to Kami for Microsoft Edge™.
The Kami extension will now appear next to your extension button in Edge, so you can access the Kami app by clicking on it.
If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at support@kamiapp.com or book some training with one of our Teacher Success Champions here: https://www.kamiapp.com/training