We understand that Kami may not be a good fit for everyone, so we can understand if you want to uninstall us, though we are sorry to see you go. There are three ways to uninstall Kami fro your device, depending on how you have installed it. You can also fully delete your Kami account from the Settings Menu.
Go to chrome://extensions/ and remove it by clicking the trash can.
2. Go to chrome://apps/ and remove it by right-clicking the Kami icon.
Google Drive
3. Go to https://drive.google.com, then:
Settings --> Manage Apps --> Options --> Disconnect from Drive.
Deleting Your Account:
To delete your account, you will need to be logged into Kami.
1. Go to your settings (The link will take you to the login screen and settings page directly).
2. Scroll down to the bottom of that page.
3. Select the Delete My Account button.
You will be required to authorize your account to begin deletion:
Once this authorized process is done, you will receive an email confirming that your account will be deleted in 7 days during which time you can get in touch with us if you wish to cancel this deletion request.
If you do have any issues with deleting your account, please let us know via support@kamiapp.com and if necessary we can delete it manually for you. Please note manual deletion also takes 7 days to process.