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Comment Tools

Breakdown of the various comment tools used to both take quick notes and collaborate with other users

Updated over a week ago

The Comment Tools are found under the Comment section of the Tool Bar. Below is what the Comment Tools section looks like in the Tool Bar.

The Comment Tools:

All of the comment tools and how to use them

(1) Text Comments:

The most straightforward comments to create are text comments. Great for quickly jotting down thoughts.

How to use: Click the Comment tool > Text Comment, you can either anchor a comment to a static point on the page by clicking on any part of the page or by simply clicking and dragging over a passage of text on the page.  

Things to keep in mind: There is a Voice Typing button to the right of the comment box, this allows you to toggle between standard keyboard input and transcribing your voice into a Text Comment. This can be a very useful assistive tool for students that have trouble with writing or typing out answers and notes. 

You are able to embed hyperlinks into Text Comments to reference external sites and resources.

If you find that you are not able to select text on the page, please see our article on the OCR tool 

Below is a video demonstration of the Text Comment

(2) Voice Comments:

This comment type is handy if you need to record a raw audio clip rather than typing or transcribing using the Voice Typing function (covered in the section above). 

How to use: Click the Comment tool > Voice Comment, as with the other comments; you can either anchor an Audio Comment to a static point on the page by clicking on any part of the page or by simply clicking and dragging over a passage of text on the page.

Things to keep in mind: When using the Voice Comments for the first time you will often be prompted to allow Audio permissions, to toggle these permissions see the screenshot below:

Below is a video demonstration of the Voice Comment

(3) Video Comments:

This comment type is useful when your students might need to see something in person, but are unable to. This comment can also be useful for subjects where in-person demonstrations are crucial, such as learning an instrument.

How to use: Click the Comment tool > Video Comment, you can either anchor a Video Comment to a static point on the page by clicking on any part of the page or by simply clicking and dragging over a passage of text on the page. 

To pause press the red recording button on the comment and to submit, press 'Done'. 

Things to keep in mind: When using the Video Comment tool for the first time you will often be prompted to allow Video permissions, to toggle these permissions see the screenshot below: 

Below is a video demonstration of the Video Comment


Screen Capture Comments:

This Screen Capture Comment becomes handy when you have a whiteboarding lesson that needs to be recorded for future reference to aid your students. This comment could also be useful if your students need to display their working out in real-time during a test.

How to use: Click the Comment tool > Screen Capture Comment, you can either anchor a Screen Capture Comment to a static point on the page by clicking on any part of the page or by simply clicking and dragging over a passage of text on the page.  

Things to keep in mind: When using the screen Capture Comment for the first time you will often be prompted to allow Audio and Video permissions if these have not been granted before by the other comments.

Below is a video demonstration of the Screen Capture Comment

The Eye Dropper and Color Selection Tools:

Both of these tools give you the ability to choose and change colors in different ways

(1) Eye Dropper

The Eye Dropper Tool gives you the ability to click an area of the screen and grab the exact color of where you click. This adds the color you chose to your palette and also the recent color list so it is saved.

How to use: Once the Tool is selected, hover over the page and click a place with a color you like. This will add the color you clicked on to your Color Selection palette.

(2) Color Selection

The Color Selection Tool can be used to select the color used for the other tools in the Markup toolbar. By clicking on the selector at the bottom, you can change the quick access colors to fit your preferences.

When opening the Color Selection tool, a window with two tabs will be displayed. Under the SWATCHES tab, you're able to customize your color palette. To do this, select one of the 9 colors you would like replaced on the left, then select a color from the SWATCHES offered, and finally, click 'Save'. The color from the left will be replaced with the color you chose (please see the image below of the SWATCHES):

You can also create a custom color to add to your palette by opening the 'PICKER' tab at the top right of your Color Selection window. This will display a circle surrounding a triangle. The outer circle is the color wheel where you can drag the small circle until you find a color you like. The triangle within the color wheel is responsible for the opacity of the color you create.

If you have a custom palette ready to go, you can select and paste your own hex code into the existing hex code underneath the triangle (please see the image below of the PICKER):

Just like the SWATCHES tab, you can replace the colors that are already on your palette in the same way. Select one of the 9 colors you would like replaced on the left, create or add your color within the PICKER, and then click 'Save' to replace the existing color on the palette.

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