The Select Tool

The Select Tool, the different modes, and how they work.

Updated over a week ago

There are a few different modes to this tool, so let's break down what they are and how they work:

Select Tool:

The cursor allows you to interact with any annotations on the document and be able to select or annotate on embedded text (this means text already on the document and not created using the Text Box tool).

How to use:  

Things to keep in mind: If you find that you are not able to select text on the page directly then please see our help article on the Text Recognition Tool to get this working for you.


Hand Tool:

This tool allows you to scroll up and down through your document by clicking and dragging.

How to use: Click on the page and drag your mouse up or down.

Select Annotations Tool

This tool allows you to select, modify, move, delete them all at once, and copy/paste groups of annotations across different pages and documents. 

How to use: Click-and-drag across any group of annotations in order to modify them.

Things to keep in mind: When if you need to change the size of an image/signature that you've inserted, you need to ensure that you have the Cursor tool, not the Select Annotations tool. 

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